From Formal to Informal

From Formal to Informal

What do you notice first in a new intercultural situation? Is it people's clothes? How people greet each other? These things are part of the dimension of Context: the unwritten rules of formality on what is appropriate and not appropriate in a given situation.

The Cultural Mapping Inventory, our tool for identifying cultural preferences in each of the 12 Dimensions of Culture, measures Context on a spectrum from Formal to Informal.

The Global World of Finance

The Global World of Finance

The Global World of Finance

The ‘global’ financial world as we know it today was built around an Innocence/Guilt way of thinking. Legal codes in primarily Innocence/Guilt countries tend to be extensive and extremely detailed, reflecting the cultural importance placed on knowing exactly what is right and what is wrong, particularly in matters involving banking and taxes.



Destiny has us covering the fourth dimension of culture today.

Destiny is about how much control you think you have over your life: whether you tend to change to fit your environment or try to change your environment to fit you.

Understanding Traffic from an Intercultural Perspective

Understanding Traffic from an Intercultural Perspective
“Why in the world do people behave the way they do on the roads?” Some people are predictable, and others are totally unpredictable."

Many of us have traveled to or lived in other countries where we had to switch the side we drive on, get used to police officers (trying to) regulate traffic, learn to navigate “roundabouts” or understand how a four-way-stop works… But what happens on the roads when the whole world coming together in one city and people hit the roads… A growing number of cities across the world have people participating in traffic from at least

The Inter-Cultural Manager: Directing and Delegating

The Inter-Cultural Manager:  Directing and Delegating

“My boss doesn’t give sufficient details when I get delegated a task. But I think that asking clarifying questions is not appropriate, so how do I figure out what to do?”


In the last 20 years we had the privilege to work with managers in more than 70 countries. As we listen to their stories and challenges, several themes seem to be surfacing repeatedly: directing and delegating, motivating your team, developing your people and collaboration with peers and your boss.